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Female Genital Rejuvenation or Cosmetic Surgery of Female Genitalia

An Introduction

In the vast majority of cases, Female genital surgery is simply a response to the physical appearance of the labia, a desire for more “attractive” external genitalia (known collectively as the vulva) while many women who have some defect in their various parts of vagina like outer Lips or labia majora that was either fatty/hanging or thin/less prominent, stretched vaginal muscles after childbirth or a torn/ruptured hymen considered to have a cosmetic genital surgery. Originally such procedures undergone by women post-childbirth who were experiencing incontinence issues or sagging/loosening of the vagina, more women are now seeking a quick nip and tuck to make their genitals more aesthetically pleasing.

Female genital surgery are highly specialized procedure which enhances the vaginal area. The surgery is often referred to as Aesthetic Vaginal Surgery, Cosmetic Vaginal Surgery or Vaginal Rejuvenation. Women may feel self-conscious about the appearance of their labia majora (outer lips) or, more commonly, labia minora (inner lips), particularly as age sets in and the labia become stretched and saggy. The vaginal cavity can also be stretched due to the effects of childbirth (and time), resulting in decreased sensation during sexual intercourse. (The labia minora are the inner genital “lips” while the labia majora are the external genital “lips”).

In recent years, the most commonly performed female genital procedure is Hymen Repair or Hymenoplasty or revirgination; in which the thin membrane that covers vaginal opening is restored to its original shape to give you a virgin appearance.

Female Genital Rejuvenation

Available Female Surgeries

A. Hymenoplasty or Revirgination


Female Genital Rejuvenation or Cosmetic Surgery of Female Genitalia Suturing of a tear in the hymen such as might be caused by sexual assault, soon after the assault, to facilitate healing. Sometimes hymenoplasty surgery is performed as a purely cosmetic procedure as repair of torn tags of remnant of hymen or recreates a totally new hymen using flaps from the vaginal lining with its blood supply. This surgery is performed preferably 8-12 weeks before the intended marriage. Patients are advised to refrain from penetrative sex for up to three months following this procedure.

The Procedure

Typically, the procedure takes 1 to 2 hours and is performed under local anesthesia as a day care procedure. Some patients prefer the addition of IV sedation or even general anesthesia. Very fine invisible sutures are applied from the inside to repair torn hymen. These sutures automatically absorbs itself within 2-3 weeks time. You will go home after surgery; there is no need for an overnight stay in the hospital.

B. Vaginoplasty or Vaginorrhaphy

Vaginoplasty, sometimes referred to as rejuvenation of the vagina, is a procedure that can usually correct the problem of stretched vaginal muscles for women who’ve experienced multiple childbirths, as vaginal muscles tend to experience enlargement due to stressful expansion during the delivery. The result can often be loose, weak vaginal muscles. Vaginoplasty can enhance sexual gratification for women who for whatever reason lack an overall optimum architectural integrity of the vagina. Vaginoplasty or Vaginorrhaphy tightens and restores the diameter of vagina and supporting structures to a “pre-pregnancy” state, thereby re-establishing friction that increases sexual gratification for both women and men.

Vaginoplasty can also be performed as reconstructive procedure for correcting the defects and deformities of the vaginal canal and its mucous membrane, and of vulvo-vaginal structures that might be absent or damaged because of congenital disease (e.g. vaginal atresia) or because of an acquired cause (e.g. physical trauma, cancer). As such, the term vaginoplasty generally describes any such vaginal surgery, and the term neovaginoplasty specifically describes the procedures of either partial or total construction or reconstruction of the vulvo-vaginal complex.

The Procedure

The procedure usually performed under general anaesthesia, may be as simple as placing sutures at the introitus (vaginal opening), or may involve excising excess vaginal mucosa together with tightening the muscles of the posterior vaginal wall. Neovaginoplasty may involve taking skin from your thigh & creating a new vagina through it.

C. Labia Majora Fattening

Many factors may contribute to your confidence, sexuality and femininity, but none is more personal or private than the appearance of your genitalia. In women, large, asymmetric or irregular genital labia (lips) can occur naturally or develop with age, childbirth, hormones, or even from sexual intercourse.

As women age, after childbirth or with weight gain or loss, this area can change, becoming enlarged or have redundant skin. In some women with aging the labia majora may undergo a significant atrophy and the dermis under the skin thins out. As a result of these changes the labia majora becomes shrunken, flat, saggy, wrinkled, and darkened. The surgeon can drastically rejuvenate the labia majora with micro fat grafting.

The Procedure

The fat injections add fat to the areas beneath the skin, creating fullness where needed that results in a lasting, youthful appearance of the labia majora. It is the procedure where excess fat is removed from areas such as the abdomen, flanks, hips or thighs and, after special preparation, injected into areas of the body that need filling. The surgeon specializes in the use of the micro fat grafting technique. The process requires gentle fat removal using low-vacuum liposuction and the use of thin, delicate, non-traumatic cannulas to protect the survival of each harvested living fat cell. The fat cells are then purified and slowly injected through tiny skin incisions into the tissue of the recipient site utilizing a small syringe and cannula. Tiny droplets are placed throughout the tissues assuring that each transferred fat cell will have an adequate blood supply to achieve the permanent survival of the injected fat cells.

D. Labia Minora Trimming or Reduction Labiaplasty


Labial Reduction includes a number of operations designed to decrease the size and degree of protuberance of the labia minora, or ‘inner lips’ of the vagina. The most common reason for women to request this operation is because the labia are perceived to be too large and aesthetically unpleasing. A small number of women state that the large size of their labia make them noticeable in tight clothing, or make sports such as cycling uncomfortable. Others have problems during intercourse causing embarrassment, self-consciousness, distancing in relationships, and discomfort. For these reasons, many women with asymmetric or large labia choose to make the labia smaller, more symmetric, more defined & beautiful through a procedure known as labiaplasty or labia minora reduction.

The Procedure

Relatively, the procedure is simple, excising an area of the labia minora using a variety of incisions and takes 1 to 2 hours and is performed under local anesthesia as a day care procedure. Some patients prefer the addition of IV sedation or even general anesthesia. You will go home after the surgery; there is no need for an overnight stay in the hospital. Careful placement of the scar is important, however, in order to prevent painful scar contracture along the rim of the labia.

E. Clitoris Hoodectomy or Clitoral unhooding

Clitoral Unhooding, also referred to as Hoodectomy, sometimes also referred as female circumcision, is a minor feminine genital surgical procedure to remove excess Prepuce tissue—the surrounding “hood” that sheaths the clitoral node on three sides. Normally, the Prepuce is anatomically designed to offer the clitoris a degree of protection against undue abrasion or over stimulation. This naturally retracts during sexual intercourse, thereby leaving the highly innervated surface of the clitoral node, what is commonly referred to as the exterior G-spot or Glans, to be more exposed . . . resulting in female sexual orgasms. Sometimes however, women with small clitoral nodes or those that have excess Prepuce tissue (both common conditions) find that they can’t achieve orgasm, or have a harder time reaching climax, because the clitoris is literally covered, or restricted by too much skin tissue, thus greatly lessening tactile sensation, and/or even eliminating it entirely. Clitoral unhooding can greatly help these women by exposing the clitoral node.

Your Recovery

After surgery, you will wear a menstrual-type pad to absorb any little drainage and to provide padding and protection to the area. You can expect some swelling and discomfort for 1 to 2 weeks. Most women return to work in 1 to 3 days, and sutures are dissolvable. Strenuous activity and exercise should be avoided for 3-6 weeks, and you should not use tampons, douches, or have intercourse for 6 weeks to allow the surgical area to heal properly.

Expected Results

The majority of women are thrilled with their new, more aesthetically desirable appearance after Vaginal Rejuvenation, and are more confident, comfortable, and sexually active.

Before & After Pics

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