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Nipples and Areola Correction

An Introduction

The nipple is the projecting portion of the breast that carries the lactiferous (milk) ducts. The Nipple Correction is a procedure for correcting large, long, inverted or droopy nipples. Particularly after prolonged breast feeding, (or sometimes by birth) the nipple may not stand out but may be inverted. Women find that the inverted nipple is disfiguring and often embarrassing. It can be corrected by an Inverted Nipple Correction Surgery.

The areola is the dark pigmented circle of skin from which the nipple projects. Particularly in females who have either sagging or enlarged breasts, the areola may not be flat but protrudes or puffs out. The Areola Correction Surgery includes reducing overly large or stretched out or puffy areolas. By correcting these conditions, the size and shape of the breast can be greatly enhanced.


Are you a good candidate for Nipples & Areola Surgery?

A correction of your nipples or areolas may benefit you, if :

  • You are bothered by the look or shape of your nipples and/or areolas.
  • When unsupported, your nipples fall below the breast crease.
  • Your nipples and areolas are unusually large & point downward
  • You have stretched skin and enlarged areolas

The Procedure

The surgery is performed under local anesthesia and generally takes about one hour to complete. You will go home shortly after your surgery.

For nipple reduction, the doctor makes a small incision on the nipple itself. For areola reduction, the doctor makes an incision around the perimeter of the areola. In both cases, the incisions heal very quickly.

Once the incision is complete, the doctor removes excess tissue from the area of the incision. Stitches are then used to close the incision and gauze dressings are placed over the breasts. A special surgical bra is placed over your breasts after the surgery to ensure that your breasts are held in the best position for healing.

Your Recovery

In most cases, you will be ready to go home shortly after your nipple and/or areola reduction procedure. During the first 24 to 48 hours after your procedure, you may feel mild discomfort from the surgery which will be improved rapidly after the first two days. You will notice a marked improvement in your discomfort level during the first few weeks after your surgery.

Expected Results

Results of your Nipples & Areola Correction reduction are permanent, however, keep in mind that your breasts may droop or sag over time as a natural result of the aging process.

Before & After Pics

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