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All the cheek sculpting related procedures are performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and you can go home on the same day of your surgery. Usually all the normal activities can be resumed after 3-4 days and the overall social downtime is 1-2 weeks.
Part of the defining features of your face are the cheeks. Full cheeks evoke an appearance of youth and vitality, while sunken or flat cheeks may make you appear tired or aged. Your underlying facial structure may not have the aesthetic qualities you desire. It might appear unbalanced, gaunt and hollow – conditions that can be hereditary or appear over time, as you get older. A youthful and attractive face is usually very full the cheeks project sufficiently and exhibit a soft, smooth and lively appearance. As we age, our cheeks lose volume & become hollow. Many women as well as men prefer to have an attractive face contour with high cheekbones as an impact of change in traditional rounded look of facial profile. That’s when cheek augmentation rushes to help and satisfy the most sophisticated needs.
There are variety of surgeries to enhance the appearance of your cheek:
1. Fat injection for Shrunken cheeks
For sunken cheeks or triangular faces who requires fuller looks, Lipoinjection is done under sedation. In this procedure the fat is aspirated by syringe from lower tummy or inner thigh area and injected into the cheek to make is fuller or more prominent. It also reduces wrinkles from the cheeks.
2. Cheek Bone Prominence – Cheek Augmentation (Malar implants)
High cheek bones have traditionally been a sign of beauty. Unfortunately, not everyone is born with that look. This procedure consists of placing a synthetic implant over the natural cheekbone. Facial implants are specially formed solid, biocompatible materials designed to enhance or augment the physical structure of your face. The precise type and size of implants best suited for you requires an evaluation of your goals, the features you wish to correct and your surgeon’s judgment. Cheek implants increase the projection of the cheekbones. They add volume to areas which may be recessed or ?at. Men also frequently seek out this procedure to correct flatness in the mid face. Patients seeking cheek sculpting surgery also frequently request Chin Correction to complement their new face and give them a more refined appearance.
If symmetry among facial features is part of your goal, facial implants may be recommended to augment more than one facial region. It’s important to remember that all of our faces are asymmetric to some degree and your results may not be completely symmetric. The goal is to create balance and proportion. Your procedure may be performed alone, or as a complement to other facial contouring procedures such as nose or ear surgery.
3. Cheek Bone Shaving
Too prominent cheek bones or unequal cheek bone in cases of facial asymmetry requires shaving or trimming of cheek bone. Operation done under general anesthesia.
4. Cheek Dimple Creation
The Cheek Dimple is an area of the face that usually is dynamically appears when a person smiles. A natural dimple is actually formed when there is a small defect in the cheek musculature (most often the buccinator muscle). The skin overlying this small defect is stuck down to the underlying connective tissue & smiling musculature and creates a dimple in the skin while smiling. “In some cultures, such as Asian and Indo-ethnic sub-groups, tend to prefer dimples on one’s cheek, as it is purported to be a sign of attractiveness, good fortune and veracity.”
Dimple Creation is a Quick In-Office procedure that can be performed under local Anesthesia and you will be awake during the procedure. To create a dimple, a small painless incision is made in the inside of your cheek. There is no incision or scar on the outside skin. A small absorbent suture is passed through the inside of the cheek and catches the under surface of the skin where the dimple is desired. When this suture is tied it causes a dimpling in the overlying skin. At first there is a dimple present even without smiling, but after several days, or sometimes a few weeks, the dimple is only present while smiling or moving the face.
5. Buccal Fat Pad removal
A face with some fullness looks healthy and youthful. Excessive fullness, however, disrupts the harmony of the features and produces a “chipmunk cheek” effect that makes many people self-conscious. Buccal fat reduction addresses this problem by removing excess fat from the cheeks. Although not a well known procedure, buccal fat removal is growing in popularity among those who wish to create better facial definition without the use of liposuction (although some choose to incorporate it). The procedure is done on a day care basis under local anesthesia. The incisions are made inside of the cheek so there will not be any ugly scar on your cheek after surgery.
If you have one or more of the following conditions, you’d be a good candidate for cheek augmentation:
If you have one or more of the following conditions, you’d be a good candidate for cheek augmentation:
The final results will be evident about a week or two after the swelling goes down. Keeping your head elevated helps the swelling resolve sooner. Most patients do not consider aesthetic cheek surgery to be a painful surgery. Patients are asked to avoid impact to the area for at least 6-week after surgery. Sun exposure should also be minimized. With the intra-oral approach for cheek correction, no visible external scars will be present. The usual recovery after aesthetic cheek surgery depends on the type of surgical approach utilized and if other procedures are performed at the same time. In general, from a cheek augmentation alone, you should be active the day of surgery
Ques.1: Is there any way to get rid of chubby cheeks and have slimmer face? I’ve tried diet and exercise but no use!
Ans. This demand is very common these days as a result of drastic change in the definition of beauty that has been transformed to slim, sportive looking face rather than traditional chubby and moon face in both men and women. Buccal fat reduction addresses this problem by removing excess fat from the cheeks to make them slim, but not hollow and is performed from inside so no ugly or visible scars.
What Our Patients Say
Sliding genioplasty by doctor R.K Mishra. I had a receding chin and was insecure about it my whole life. I researched about my issue over the internet and found that it could be fixed so I started consulting with several plastic surgeons online. I came across the website of Dr. R. K. Mishra and was impressed with the detailed information. I contacted him thorugh emaila and his reponses were always very quick, I really appreciate that I booked a date....
It was an adventure to me & hence, I want to share my experience: – Signing the consent made me nervous at first because having the surgery was my individual decision but Dr. Mishra’s staff explained every pros & cons and answered all my doubts related to the consent. Thanks for making me confident about this procedure, it was great help. -Whole procedure was an adventure, those lights of Operatio theatre and how I was being perpared....
I had gynocamastia correction and chose Dr Mishra due to his trans-nipple scarless technique. I thought about the surgery for a long time but was concerned people would notice scars which would be as humilating as just having the gyno. Dr Mishra delivered beyond what I expected. I have absolutely no marks whatsoever from the operation as he did liposuction from the armpits area on my request and got it done for literally 1/6 of the cost of having...
My Dear Doctor Mishra, During first month of my recovery from genioplasty (chin enhancement), I impatiently asked you to reverse the surgery as I didn’t like my swollen chin but you consoled me and counselled me to wait for two months atleast to subside the swelling and see the actual results. I thank God that I followed your advice! I now have healed completely, and i am sorry that I bothered you, didn’t trust you I thank you for making me beautiful.....
I would love to share my experience while I was at Lucknow! I had come down to India from Bangkok sometime in April 2014, for getting my Sex Reassignment Surgery (Male to Female). I had decided to get my surgery done in India and I came across SIPS online, and immediately felt an unexplained connection. I was so excited and had been communicating....
I didn’t get the chance to thank you enough after my cosmetic surgery and shake your hands once again for all the effort you have placed into this procedure trying to give me my life back and a new start So Thank you deeply thoroughly from the bottom of my heart! I was lucky to have such an understanding and patient doctor! I felt very relaxed on the day of my surgery, i am satisfied with the results. Thank you so much Dr. Mishra....
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