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Body Lift Surgery

An Introduction

A body lift is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the arms, middle and lower abdomen, hips, outer thighs, back, buttocks, and to tighten muscles of the abdominal wall. Time in surgery ranges from 4-7 hours and is usually performed under general anaesthesia, while you are asleep. Although the steps of the body lift procedure differ depending on the needs of the patient, Surgeons often perform surgery on the stomach first, removing excess skin from the belly button to the pubic area, then tightening the abdominal wall muscle. This is the area that is most often loosened by excessive weight loss. Swelling, which is commonly seen after body lift surgery, is controlled by compression garments and the use of drains, sterile collection tubes used to evacuate excess fluid.

The Body Lift or Body Sculpting

Body Lift scaled

An ideal body has fat ranging between 8 – 15 % of total body weight. If it is more than 15% then it is in excess. Pendulous fat is undesired. Cellulite, abnormal rippling is also considered as un-desired. Sagging buttocks and skin around the waist following massive weight loss can be lifted up by combining skin excision and fat grafting in necessary areas. Body lift surgery is an extremely effective procedure for patients with excess skin resulting from weight loss. Depending on the location of the excess skin, patients may choose to undergo either an upper, mid, or lower body lift.

A body lift improves the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports fat and skin. Excess sagging fat and skin are removed to treat conditions caused in part by poor tissue elasticity. In addition, the procedure(s) can improve a dimpled, irregular skin surface, commonly known as cellulite.

Fat puts a lot of excess strain on heart and thus it is considered as unhealthy in excess. We can self evaluate in the following manner: You can test by grasping the area you would like to evaluate. If you are able to hold the skin and the tissues in a bundle with your hand then you need liposuction to be done in that area. If you are not able to hold then you have thick skin or large muscles. Tightly suck in your stomach. If the skin still hangs down then you have to get done tummy tuck. A body lift is not a surgical treatment for being overweight. Obese individuals who intend to lose weight should postpone all forms of body contouring surgery until they have reached a stable weight.

Are you a good candidate for Body Contouring?

You could be a good candidate for Body Lift if you have-

  • Loose skin in your buttocks and back of thighs
  • Loose skin in your hips and side of thighs
  • Relatively thin layers of fat below the skin of these areas
  • Acceptance of the thin scars around the waist
  • Loose abdominal skin or in your inner thighs
  • Patients who have had massive weight loss
  • hangging skin over arms

The Procedure

There are a variety of different techniques used by Plastic Surgeons for a body lift. The exact technique that will be used upon you will be discussed with your Surgeon. Incision length and pattern depend on the amount and location of excess skin to be removed, as well as personal preference and surgical judgment.

Body Lift can be combined with other Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery procedures like Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, Breast Reduction, Breast Augmentation, and Breast Lift. These procedures not only remove excess skin and fat, they also improve the unsightly stretch marks and create an uplifted, shapely, youthful and fuller appearance. A Body Lift can be.

Central Body Lift

This procedure is also called Belt Lipectomy. In Central Body Lift, excess skin and fatty tissue is removed circumferentially from the belly, hips, back, buttocks, and outer thighs.

Lower Body Lift

Lower Body Lift is performed to shape buttocks and inner thighs by removing excess skin and fat from these areas.

Brachioplasty (Arm-lift)

An arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, a surgical procedure to remove loose skin in the upper arm (typically caused by aging or massive weight loss).

Your Recovery

Complete Body lift is a major surgical procedure and requires significant recovery time. Most patients remain in the hospital for one to three nights. Pain and discomfort are first managed with intravenous or intramuscular medications, and later with oral pain medication. A specific dietary plan may be encouraged. Drainage tubes are inserted, which will require personal home care for up to two weeks. A medical compression garment is to be worn at all times except while bathing, which you should keep wearing until your Surgeon lets you know it is no longer needed. Dressings are generally removed two days after surgery and showering is allowed at that time.

Expected Results

The results of a body lift are visible almost immediately. However, it may take as much as six month to one year, or more, for the final results of the body lift procedures to fully develop.


Ques. What are the advantages of a Body Lift?

Ans. The most common problems in these people are not only psychological impacts due to unaesthetic appearance, but also physical issues including inter-trigo (redness and bruising due to rubbing of skin), bad odour due to sweating and bacterial contamination, which are improved through body contouring. Just like when we alter our cloths due to changes in our shapes and sizes after massive weight loss, our skin also needs to be altered. Body contouring helps in eliminating sequential negative impacts over patients who give up dieting or exercising due to being mentally tired of their unattractive physique even after trying hard for losing weight with so many efforts.

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